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News & Events

21 Nov, 2017

Seminar on Challenges and Opportunities in Maritime Disputes in Hong Kong Maritime Week

A “Seminar on Challenges and Opportunities in Maritime Disputes”, jointly organised by HSMC and Hong Kong Shue Yan University, was held on 21 November 2017 in HSMC. It is one of the events of the Hong Kong Maritime Week, attracting over 140 participants.

The event was kicked off with a welcoming remark by Professor Y V Hui, Vice-President (Academic and Research), HSMC and an opening remark by Mr Arthur Bowring MH, Senior Consultant, Hong Kong Shipowners Association. Dr Byron Lee, Chairman, Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association, introduced the speakers and acted as the moderator in the panel discussion.

Distinguished overseas and local guest speakers were invited for the event, including Sir Bernard Eder, Former High Court Judge and International Arbitrator, Essex Court Chambers, London; Professor Anselmo Reyes, Professor of Legal Practice at The University of Hong Kong; Ms Su Yin Anand, Partner, Ince & Co. Speakers shared their views on latest cases in London, arbitrations in London, Singapore and Hong Kong, and practical issues in handling maritime disputes. Dr Eugene Wong, Assistant Professor of Department of Supply Chain and Information Management, HSMC delivered a concluding remark to end the sessions. Guests and students enjoyed a fruitful discussion in the panel and Q&A discussions. The workshop was supported by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (UGC/IIDS14/B02/16).

Professor Y V Hui, Vice-President (Academic and Research), gave a welcoming remark
Mr Arthur Bowring MH delivered an opening speech about the maritime arbitration
Sir Bernard Eder shared on “Recent Developments in Maritime Law in the UK – Substantive and Procedural issues”
Professor Anselmo Reyes shared insights on “Maritime Arbitration – London, Singapore or Hong Kong?”
Ms Suyin Anand shared practical issues about maritime disputes and her speech topic was “Problem Solving Your Way through Shipping Disputes – an Overview of Common Issues that Arise in Maritime Disputes and How They can be Solved”
A fruitful discussion in the panel discussion and Q&A sessions
Mr Sam Tsui participated in the Q&A session
Ms Regina Li raised a question about the maritime arbitration trend in China
Pictured after the seminar