
SCM Mentorship Scheme – Mentor’s Sharing Talk #3
September 16, 2021日期: 二零二一年九月十六日 (星期四) 時間: 下午二時半至下午四時

The COVID-19 pandemic has lived with us for almost two years. Businesses have to keep evolving and adapting to the new normal for survival. It is our honour to have Mr. Leo Lo, a seasoned industry expert and a mentor, to share with you the latest retail and supply trends under post-COVID.
Come and join SCM Mentorship Scheme – Mentor’s Sharing Talk #3 with details as below.
Date: 16 September 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Topic: Latest Retail and Supply Trends under post-COVID
Speaker: Mr. Leo Lo, CEO, TecRetail Ltd.
Medium: Cantonese (with English PPT)
Delivery Mode: Online via Zoom
Registration: https://forms.gle/frN9aEVwCmqffq9L7
Deadline: 9 September 2021 (Thu)

SCM Mentorship Scheme – Mentor’s Sharing Talk #2
August 14, 2021日期: 二零二一年八月十四日 (星期六) 時間: 早上十時半至下午十二時

Supply chains create environmental and social impacts. Nowadays many customers are concerned if products are manufactured in a fair and sustainable way. Through this talk, an industry expert will lead us to understand the evolution of sustainable supply chain and explore future challenges and opportunities.
Come and join SCM Mentorship Scheme – Mentor’s Sharing Talk #2 with details as below.
Date: 14 August 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Topic: Rethink Supply Chain: Does Sustainability Matter?
Speaker: Mr. Felix Lam, Head of Sustainability, Green Council
Medium: Cantonese (with English PPT)
Delivery Mode: Online via Zoom
Registration: https://forms.gle/pHgRUtnzPzNR8gcn9
Deadline: 5 August 2021 (Thu)

SCM Mentorship Scheme – Mentor’s Sharing Talk
July 14, 2021日期: 二零二一年七月十四日(星期三) 時間: 下午四時半至六時

Businesses in different sectors and markets are increasingly adopting new information technologies (IT) in the era of industry 4.0. Having a better understanding of the development and impact of industry 4.0 is crucial for students' career planning. In this talk, an industry expert will provide some key insights into the future of work, share great tips on job searching and interviews, and help students to find their dream jobs in the digital world.
Come and join SCM Mentorship Scheme – Mentor’s Sharing Talk with details as below.
Date: 14 July 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Topic: Industry 4.0 and career planning in an IT-related field
Speaker: Mr. Keith KWOK
Medium: Cantonese (with English PPT)
Delivery Mode: Online via Zoom
Registration: https://forms.gle/ehcCpgqGkRz93H4C7
Deadline: 5 July 2021 (Mon)

環球供應鏈領袖分享系列 – #2 – Leading through connection
June 9, 2021日期: 二零二一年六月九日 (星期三) 時間: 晚上六時半

日期: 二零二一年六月九日 (三)
時間: 晚上六時半

環球供應鏈領袖分享系列 – #1 – Leading through uncertainty
March 4, 2021日期 : 二零二一年三月四日 (四) 時間 : 晚上六時半

日期 : 二零二一年三月四日 (四)
時間 : 晚上六時半

師友學習計劃 2020/21
January 1, 20212020/21年度的師友學習計劃現已接受報名! 計劃期: 2021年1月至10月 參加資格: 供應鏈管理工商管理學士及管理科學與資訊管理學士課程的一至四年級生 截止日期: 2020年11月30日

計劃期: 2021年1月至10月
參加資格: 供應鏈管理工商管理學士及管理科學與資訊管理學士課程的一至四年級生
登記: https://forms.gle/kSEw4TFxt9MZW7yBA
截止日期: 2020年11月30日
**有關更多詳情,請參閱來自SCM部門的宣傳電郵。如有疑問,歡迎發送電郵至scm@hsu.edu.hk 查詢。