
Mr LAM Ping Wah, Timothy (林柄華先生)
MBA (University of Strathclyde)
Fellow, Institute of Purchasing and Supply of HK
電子郵件: timothylam@hsu.edu.hk
Part-time Lecturer (SCM)
Mr Lam is currently a consultant in the areas of Procurement and Supply Management. Before he started his consultant business in 2013, he worked as an Assistant Director of Finance and Head of Purchasing in the Hong Kong Baptist University for more than 34 years. Mr. Lam received his professional procurement training in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in early 80s and obtained a MBA in the University of Strathclyde in early 90s. His core competencies include strategic procurement management, contract negotiations, purchasing consortium and green procurement.
Mr Lam, joined the Institute of Purchasing & Supply of Hong Kong (the “IPSHK”) in 1983, is the Fellow and Vice President of the IPSHK. In 2012, Mr. Lam received the International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management Lewis E Spangler Purchasing Professional Award, one of the highest international awards given to an outstanding individual who has proven commitment to the profession of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Mr Lam has been the Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Purchasing Task Force since its formation in 2007 and the Chairman of the Inter-institutional Purchasing Liaison Group (IPLG), purchasing consortium of all the Government-funded universities in Hong Kong. Also, Mr. Lam is the mentor in the SME Mentorship Program, Trade and Industry Department, HKSAR, and the senior delegate to participate in the meetings of the International Federation of Purchasing & Supply Management. Mr. Lam is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply UK, and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.
Mr Lam is a qualified trainer of the International Training Centre, World Trade Organization in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. He is a visiting Lecturer in the Hong Kong Productivity Council, Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.