
Prof CHAN Wai Kwong, Samuel (陳偉光教授)
PhD (University of New South Wales)
MPhil (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
MSc (Victoria University of Manchester)
BSc (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
電子郵件: swkchan@hsu.edu.hk
Adjunct Professor (SCM)
Prof. Chan is a Adjunct Professor of Supply Chain and Information Management at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. He holds a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from University of New South Wales, a MPhil in Computer Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a MSc in Computer Science from University of Manchester, and a BSc in Mathematics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Before joining the University, he taught in CUHK Business School and City University of Hong Kong. His latest research interests are in natural language processing, sentiment analysis and their applications in supply chain intelligence and financial market prediction. He is one of the architects in developing several Chinese language processing systems, including HanMosaic and HMLearn.
- Honors and Awards
- Major Research Grants Awarded
- Selected Research Publications (as Principal Author)
- Recent Invited Talks
- Recent Press Releases
Honors and Awards
- Faculty Teaching Merit Awards (2015-16) by CUHK Business School
- Faculty Teaching Awards (2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12) by CUHK Business School
- First Place, Best Paper Award, in The 7th International Conference of Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing), 2006, Mexico City. (Best paper award selection working group included Alexander Gelbukh, Eduard Hovy, Rada Mihalcea, Ted Pedersen, and Yorick Wiks)
- First, Open Track Word Segmentation Competition in the Corpus from Academia Sinica, in The Fourth International Chinese Language Processing Bakeoff & the First CIPS Chinese Language Processing Evaluation, 2007.
- Second, Closed Track Word Segmentation Competition in the Corpus from City University of Hong Kong, in The Fourth International Chinese Language Processing Bakeoff & the First CIPS Chinese Language Processing Evaluation, 2007.
Major Research Grants Awarded
Funding Body | Research Project |
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) of HKSAR | A Real-time Chinese Sentence Learning Platform for Ethnic Minority Students (2017-2019) |
GRF, Research Grants Council of HKSAR | Encoding Supra-Syntactic Clues in the Parsing of Chinese Sentences (2014-2016) |
Public Policy Research, Research Grants Council of HKSAR | Analyzing Stakeholders’ Views on Environmental Issues through Text Analysis – An Interdisciplinary Approach Using Computational Content Analysis (2013-2015) |
GRF, Research Grants Council of HKSAR | Super-Sense Tagging of Chinese Unknown Words (2010-2013) |
GRF, Research Grants Council of HKSAR | Chinese Noun Phrases Parsing in Content Sensitive Analysis (2008-2011) |
GRF, Research Grants Council of HKSAR | Learning Shallow Natural Language Patterns: Toward a Direct Inference from Chinese Financial News Articles (2006-2008) |
CERG, Research Grants Council of HKSAR | A Natural Language Front-End: Synergy between a Chinese Treebank and Verb Dictionaries in a Connectionist Model (2004-2007) |
CERG, Research Grants Council of HKSAR | A Connectionist-Based Chinese Hypermedia Document Classifier: Using Text Structure and Image as Complementary Media (2001-2004) |
CERG, Research Grants Council of HKSAR | Encoding the Connectivity of Events: A Dynamic Connectionist Approach to Gist Preservation (2000-2003) |
CERG, Research Grants Council of HKSAR | Lexical Cohesion and Boundary Detection in Chinese Discourse: A Computational Approach (1999-2002) |
Selected Research Publications (as Principal Author)
- Chan, S.W.K. (2021). Multilabel Emotion Tagging for Domain-Specific Texts. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2021.3121909
- Chan, S.W.K. (2019). Tracking collective sentiment in Chinese finance-related discourse. In Shei, C. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Discourse Analysis, Oxford: Taylor & Francis.
- Chan, S.W.K. & Chong, M.W.C. (2017). Sentiment analysis in financial texts. Decision Support Systems, 94, 53-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2016.10.006
- Chan, S.W.K., Chong, M.W.C., & Lai, T.B.Y. (2015). Unknown Chinese composite words tagging using a selective back-off smoothing. Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series No.25. In B.K. Tsou & O.Y. Kwong (Eds.), Linguistic Corpus and Corpus Linguistics in the Chinese Context, 139-159.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2013). Generating context templates for word sense disambiguation. Proceedings of the 26th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New Zealand. Also appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v.8272, 466-477, Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K., & Chong, M.W.C. (2013). Predicting part-of-speech tags and morpho-syntactic relations using similarity-based technique. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing. Tarragona, Spain. Also appeared in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, v.7978, 71-82, Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K., & Chong, M.W.C. (2013). Recursive part-of-speech tagging using word structures. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, Czech Republic. Also appeared in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, v.8082, 419-425, Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K. & Franklin, J. (2011). A text-based decision support system for financial sequence prediction. Decision Support Systems, 52, 189-198.
- Chan, S.W.K., Chong, M.W.C., & Cheung, L.Y.L. (2011). An analysis of tree topological features in classifier-based unlexicalized parsing. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Also appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v.6608, 155-170, Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K., Cheung, L.Y.L., Chong, M.W.C. (2010). Tree topological features for unlexicalized parsing. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010) Main Conference Poster Session, 117-125.
- Chan, S.W.K., Cheung, L.Y.L., Chong, M.W.C. (2010). A machine learning parser using an unlexicalized distituent model. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Also appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v.6008, 121-136, Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2009). Shallow semantic labeling using two-phase feature-enhanced string matching. Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 9729-9736.
- Chan, S.W.K., Cheung, L.Y.L., Chong, M.W.C. (2009). Level-based shallow parsing using supervised learning. Proceedings of the Chinese Information Processing Society on Sentence Parsing Evaluation (CIPS-ParsEval-2009), 4-September, Beijing.
- Chan, S.W.K. & Mickey W.C. Chong (2008). An agent-based approach to Chinese word segmentation. The Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing (SIGHAN6), The Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 112-114. Hyderabad, India.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2007). An edit distance approach to shallow semantic labelling. In H. Yin, P. Tino, & X. Yao (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL’07). Also appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v.4881, 57-66. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2007). A decision tree approach to sentence chunking. In M.A. Orgun & J. Thornton (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twentieth Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI’07). 2-6 December. Also appeared in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, v.4830, 425-434. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2006). Beyond keyword and cue-phrase matching: A sentence-based abstraction technique for information extraction. Decision Support Systems, 44, 2, 759-777.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2006). Shallow case role annotation using two-stage feature-enhanced string matching. In A. Gelbukh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, (CICLing 2006), Mexico City, Mexico. Also appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3878, 263-274. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2005). Multi-attributes image analysis for the classification of web documents using unsupervised technique. In M. Gallagher, J. Hogan, F. Maire (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3578, 78-85. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K., & Chong, M.W.C. (2004). Unsupervised clustering for non-textual Web document classification. Decision Support Systems, 37, 3, 377-396.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2004). Automatic discourse structure detection using shallow textual continuity. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61, 1, 138-164.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2004). A treebank-based case role annotation using an attributed string matching. In M. Bramer, F. Coenen, and T. Allen (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXI, 117-129. London, U.K.: Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2004). Extraction of shallow language patterns: an approximation of data oriented parsing. In G.I. Webb and X. Yu (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, v.3339, 574-586. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2004). Extraction of textual salient patterns: synergy between lexical cohesion and contextual coherence. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 34, 2, 205-218.
- Chan, S.W.K., & Franklin, J. (2003). Dynamic context generation for natural language understanding: A multifaceted knowledge approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 33, 1, 23-41.
- Chan, S.W.K., T’sou, B.K., & Lai, T.B.Y. (2002). Textual summarization: A comparative study. Journal of Applied Systems Studies, 3, 1, 153-71. Cambridge International Science Publishing.
- Chan, S.W.K. & T’sou, B.K. (2001). Semantic inference for anaphora resolution: Toward a framework in machine translation. Machine Translation, 14, 3/4, 163-190. Kluwer Academic.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2001). Integrating linguistic primitives in learning context-dependent representation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering: Special Issue on Connectionist Models for Learning in Structured Domains, 13, 2, 157-175.
- Chan, S.W.K. (2000). Using heterogeneous linguistic knowledge in local coherence identification for information retrieval. Journal of Information Science, 26, 5, 313-328.
- Chan, S.W.K., Lai, T.B.Y., Gao, W.J. & T’sou, B.K. (2000). Mining discourse markers for Chinese textual summarization. Proceedings of the 2000 NAACL-ANLP Workshop on Automatic Summarization, 11-20. Seattle, Washington.
- T’sou, B.K., Lai, T.B.Y., Chan, S.W.K., Gao, W.J. & Zhan, X. (2000). Enhancement of a Chinese discourse marker tagger with C4.5. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Chinese Language Processing: held in conjunction with the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 38-45. Hong Kong.
- Chan, S.W.K., T’sou, B.K., & Lai, T.B.Y. (2000). An investigation of salient information in textual summarization. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, 13, 4, 265-290. World Scientific.
- Chan, S.W.K. & Franklin, J. (1998). Symbolic connectionism in natural language disambiguation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks: Special Issue on Neural Networks and Hybrid Intelligent Models, 9, 5, 739-755.
- T’sou, B.K., Lai, T.B.Y., Chan, S.W.K., & Wang, W. S-Y. (1998). Quantitative and Computational Studies on the Chinese Language. City University of Hong Kong.
- T’sou, B.K., Lin, H-L, Lai, T.B.Y., & Chan, S.W.K. (1998). Human judgment as a basis for evaluation of discourse-connective-based full-text abstraction in Chinese. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 3, 1, 101-116.
- Chan, S.W.K., Leung, K.S., & Wong, W.S.F. (1996). An expert system for the detection of cervical cancer cells using knowledge-based image analyzer. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 8, 67-90, Elsevier Science.
- Chan, S.W.K., Leung, K.S., & Wong, W.S.F. (1996). Object-oriented knowledge based system for image diagnosis. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 10, 407-438, Taylor & Francis.
Recent Invited Talks
- Invent in Hong Kong and Beyond, organized by CUHK (2019)
Title: Tracking collective sentiment in Chinese investors: A big data approach - 香港中文大學中央研究計算叢集簡介及科普講座 (2018)
Title: 華人投資者集體情緒的大數據分析 (in Chinese) - Symposium on Big Data and Judicial Studies, organized by University of Cologne, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Jilin University (2017)
Title: A syntactic approach to cyber-emotion in Chinese texts
Recent Press Releases
- Media:《香港01》
Date of release: 29 Dec 2018
Title: 【學中文難】中大教授研發貼地網上字典 助少數族裔拆字學中文 - Media:《信報》
Date of release: 25 Jan 2019
Title: 中大工商管理學院副教授陳偉光 人工智能幫少數族裔學好中文 - Media: Innovation and Technology, China Business Knowledge, CUHK
Date of release: 18 April 2019
Title: How emotions affect our investing behaviours