GSCM Leadership Talk Series – #2 – Leading through connection

“GSCM Leadership Talk Series – #2 – Leading through connection” organised by the Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management Programme, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, co-organized by Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain, HSUHK and supported by Hong Kong Sea Transport And Logistics Association Ltd (HKSTLA), The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) and Hong Kong Logistics Association (HKLA), was held on 9 June 2021.
The seminar attracted over 170 students and industry practitioners to participate. Our speaker, Dr. Jacob Kam, CEO of MTR Corporation Limited and moderators, Dr. Stephen NG and Dr. Eugene WONG shared their views and discussed on several important topics, such as Rail Gen 2.0 and Smart Railay Outlook, China and Overseas Development and Outlook on Passenger and Cargo Railway Development, which provide a lot of insights to the audiences. Lots of participants were very enthusiastic in the Q&A session.
Hope everyone enjoy and gain a lot from this valuable and fruitful sharing in the Global Supply Chain Leadership Talk.

Seminar Review: PowerPoint presented by Dr. Jacob Kam on 9 June

Seminar Review: Theme Discussion presented by Dr. Jacob Kam and Dr. Eugene Wong on 9 June