HSMC Information Day 2016 (Department of Supply Chain and Information Management)
The HSMC Info Day was held on 19 November 2016 (Saturday). This big annual event attracted over 1,200 guests including Form 5 and 6 students, teachers and parents.
The Department of Supply Chain and Information Management held two seminar sessions, including the introduction to our BBA-SCM and Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management programmes, workshop on “Mobile APP in Smart City” and visits to our Virtual Reality Laboratory. Our academic staff explained to students and parents about how to apply for both SSSDP (through JUPAS (Catalogue Number JSSH01)) and self-financing BBA-SCM programme.
After attending the programme seminars and having discussion with programme staff members, parents and students showed great interests in the programmes. Some applicants also expressed that they looked forward to the interview opportunities.