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News & Events

08 Apr, 2017

Inter-Secondary School Mobile Phone Application Design Competition x JCI Sha Tin Project Bullseye 2017

8 April 2017

The Inter-Secondary School Mobile Phone Application Design Competition x JCI Sha Tin Project Bullseye 2017 was successfully concluded with the Final Presentation and Prize Presentation Ceremony held on 8 Apr 2017 at HSMC. Junior Chamber International Sha Tin (Hong Kong) Limited (“JCI Sha Tin”) co-organised this competition with HSMC and the prizes were sponsored by Rotary Club of Shatin and SNRD Eyewear.

This competition involves the development of innovative and creative ideas about a new mobile phone application in a smart city to enhance smart home automation or smart life-styles to the public. Targeted participants are full-time senior secondary students in Hong Kong who joined in teams of two to four members each. A total of 50 participants joined this competition.

Mr Eddie Hak-kim Ng SBS JP, the Secretary for Education, President Simon S M Ho, Ms Teresa Poon, National President of JCI Hong Kong and Mr Kendrick Yuen, President of JCI Sha Tin attended the ceremony and addressed the audience with thanks.

Awardees of the competition are listed below:

AwardName of SchoolTitle of ApplicationsName of Participants
ChampionDiocesan Girls’ SchoolCaptain’s OrderLam Sze Yin Cecilia, Looi Nga Laam, Tang Sin Kiu, Wong Loc Heng Charlotte
1st Runner-upDiocesan Girls’ SchoolDementia Care CompanionLiu Tin Nam, Looi Nga Man
2nd Runner-upThe Methodist Church HK Wesley CollegeEasy DailyKong Po Yuen, Kong Tsz Ying, Wong Yuen Ling, Wu Wing Lam
Most Popular Mobile ApplicationThe Methodist Church HK Wesley CollegeEasy DailyKong Po Yuen, Kong Tsz Ying, Wong Yuen Ling, Wu Wing Lam

We would like to congratulate all the awardees on their success and extend our gratitude to all the participants, sponsors, supporting organisations and guests for making the event a success.

Over 100 guests, judges, faculty members, secondary school teachers and participants attended the ceremony