SCM Team won the 2nd Runner-up in the CILTHK Student Day 2024 Competition
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) hosts the annual Student Day with missions to raise young people’s concern about the current issues of logistics and transport in Hong Kong, and to encourage them to develop their future career in related industries. This year, the CILTHK, collaborating with Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), held the Student Day on 16 Mar 2024 at HKMU.
A total of nine teams formed by students from various tertiary institutions including The University of Hong Kong (HKU), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) took part in this competition. Each team was allocated a transport and logistics-related topic. Participants were required to analyse and formulate solutions for the problems under a time constraint and present their ideas to the judging panel.
A five-member HSUHK team consisting of Ms IP Hoi Lam, Mr LEE Hin Wing Henry, Ms LAM Mei Ki Angela, Ms HO Pun Yi Charlotte, Ms LAM Hau Kiu from BBA-SCM programme was coached and supervised by Dr Eugene Wong and Dr Collin Wong. With their excellent presentation with impressive analyses on the topic entitled “Many global airports are managed by transport experts, suc
h as Ferrovial SE, which manages the Heathrow Airport holdings. Will it be a good example for HKIA to take such an approach?”, the HSUHK team was awarded the 2nd runner-up.
Congratulations to the awardees!

HSUHK’s SCM team members showed their excellent presentation skills and team spirit in analysing the assigned topic

The HSUHK Team was awarded the Second Runner-up in the CILTHK Student Day 2024 Competition

Supervisor Dr Eugene Wong (1st right) and Dr Collin Wong (1st left) and the winning team