News SCM Newsletters Events & Seminars Academic Staff News Articles
Seminar on Managing an Airport as a Business
A “Seminar on Managing an Airport as a Business” was held on 25 November 2021 in HUSHK. It attracted over 80 student participants, both online and face-to-face. Distinguished guest speaker Eric Wong, Managing Director of Worldwide Aviation Consulting & Investment Ltd., was invited to deliver the professional talk.
SCM Department Personal Tutor Meeting (Semester 1, 2021/22)
SCM Department organizes personal tutor meetings regularly to collect feedback from students on their campus life and teaching & learning.
Ming Pao Jump:「恒大碩士+兩學士課程 一鏈通工商IT知識 成就新一代供應鏈管理、管理科學與資訊管理人」
The Department of Supply Chain and Information Management offers "Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management" and two bachelor’s degree programmes: "Management Science and Information Management" and "Supply Chain Management", which provide training for students at different learning stages.
HSUHK Info Day 2021
The HSUHK Info Day 2021 was held on 20 November 2021 on campus. Over 500 visitors visited us to learn more about our academic programmes offered in the 2022-23 academic year.
GSCM Leadership Talk Series – #3 – Leading through partnership
“GSCM Leadership Talk Series – #3 – Leading through partnership” organised by the Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management Programme, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK), co-organized by the Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain, HSUHK and The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – Logistics and Transportation Division, and supported by the Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association (HKSTLA), The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK), the Hong Kong Logistics Association (HKLA) and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), was held on 18 November 2021.
Professional Talk: Global trend of Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle for Aviation and Urban Air Mobility in Hong Kong
​The talk themed “Global trend of Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle for Aviation and Urban Air Mobility in Hong Kong” was held on 28 Oct 2021 (Thur) by The Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain, HSUHK and The Hong Kong Institute Engineers – Logistics and Transportation Division.
Workshop - E-Commerce for Retailers: Service Cloud Solution
A workshop entitled “E-Commerce for Retailers: Service Cloud Solution” was held on 7 Oct 2021 (Thu) by the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management.
DHL HR Professions Inspire SDSC students to Hunt for the Perfect Jobs
The Department of Supply Chain and Information Management organized professional training workshops for SDSC students on 30 September and 7 October 2021 respectively to equip the students with professional skills of CV writing and interview. The workshops attracted over 50 participants to join.
SCM Mentorship Scheme 2020/21 – Mentor’s Sharing Talk #3
The Mentor’s Sharing Talk #3 on “Latest Retail and Supply Chain Trends under post-COVID” was held on 16 September 2021. The speaker was our mentor, Mr. Leo Lo (CEO, TecRetail Ltd.).
MSC-GSCM Programme’s Orientation Day 2021
MSC-GSCM Programme held an On-site and Online Orientation Day at the HSUHK campus on 4 September 2021 (Sat). The event welcomed all MSC-GSCM students for the 2021-22 academic year.