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Dr LAM Hoi Yan, Cathy
PhD (PolyU)
BSc (PolyU)
Email: cathylam@hsu.edu.hk
Tel: (852) 3963 5639
Assistant Professor (SCM)
BMSIM Associate Programme Director
Director of Big Data Intelligence Centre
Dr Cathy Lam received her BSc (Hons) Logistics Engineering and Management, and, PhD in Logistics Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. After graduation, she worked as a Research Associate in the same department, and she was a Visiting Lecturer for The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.
During the years of research, over 80 international journals and conference papers were published in the areas of supply chain and logistics management, data management in supply chain, green and sustainable transportation, e-commerce logistics, as well as artificial intelligence. Among them, 35 journal papers are SCI/SSCI listed, while some of them were published in well-known journals such as “IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology”, “International Journal of Production Economics”, “International Journal of Production Research”, “Applied Soft Computing”, “Expert Systems with Application”, “Internet Research” and “Industrial Management and Data Systems”. She received the Outstanding Paper Award of Emerald Literati Network Awards for the paper “An intelligent case-based knowledge management system for quality improvement in nursing homes” in 2019. Currently, she serves as the Associate Editor of Expert Systems with Applications and Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Engineering Business Management.
Dr Lam has extensive teaching experience in the subjects of management science, operations and supply chain management, enterprise information management, ERP, logistics information systems, simulation of logistics systems, and data mining.
- Research Interests
- Selected Publications
- Book
- Projects and Grants
- Scholarly Service
- Professional Qualifications and Service
Research Interests
- Data Analytics in Supply Chain
- E-Commerce Logistics
- Cold Chain Management
- Artificial Intelligence
Selected Publications
- Lam, H. Y., Tang, V., Wu, C. H., & Cho, V. (2024). A multi-criteria intelligence aid approach to selecting strategic key opinion leaders in digital business management. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 9(3), 100502. DOI: 10.1016/j.jik.2024.100502.
- Lam, H. Y., Tang, V., & Wong, L. (2024). Raising logistics performance to new levels through digital transformation. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 16, DOI: 10.1177/18479790241231730.
- Lam, H. Y., Ho, G. T. S., Mo, D. Y., & Tang, V. (2023). Responsive pick face replenishment strategy for stock allocation to fulfil e-commerce order. International Journal of Production Economics, 264, 108976. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2023.108976.
- Wu, C. H., Lam, H. Y., Kong, A., & Wong, W. L. H. (2023). The design and evaluation of a digital learning-based English chatbot as an online self-learning method. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 15, DOI: 10.1177/18479790231176372.
- Tang, Valerie, Lam, H.Y., Wu, C.H. & Ho, G.T.S. (2022), A two-echelon responsive health analytic model for triggering care plan revision in geriatric care management, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 34(4), Article no. 24. DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.289224
- Lam, H.Y., Ho, G.T.S., Mo, Daniel Y. & Tang, Valerie (2021), Enhancing data-driven elderly appointment services in domestic care communities under COVID-19, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(7), pp. 1552-1576, DOI: 10.1108/IMDS-07-2020-0392.
- Lam, H.Y., Tsang, Y.P., Wu, C.H. & Chan, C.Y. (2021). Intelligent e- vendor relationship management for enhancing the eco-system of global B2C e-commerce business, Journal of Global Information Management, 29(3), Article no. 1, DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.2021050101.
- Lam, H.Y., Tsang, Y.P., Wu, C.H. & Tang, Valerie (2021). Data analytics and the P2P cloud: an integrated model for strategy formulation based on customer behaviour. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 14, pp. 2600–2617, DOI: 10.1007/s12083-020-00960-z.
- Li, S.M., Chan, Felix T.S., Tsang, Y.P., & Lam, H.Y. (2021). New product idea selection in the fuzzy front end of innovation: a fuzzy best-worst method and group decision-making process. Mathematics, 9(4), 337, DOI: 10.3390/math9040337.
- Mo, Daniel Y., Lam, H.Y., Xu, W. & Ho, G.T.S. (2020). Design of flexible vehicle scheduling systems for sustainable paratransit services, Sustainability, 12(14), 5594, DOI:10.3390/su12145594.
- Tsang, Y.P., Wu, C.H., Lam, H.Y., Choy, K.L., & Ho, G.T.S. (2020), Integrating internet of things and multi-temperature delivery planning for perishable food e-commerce logistics: a model and application, International Journal of Production Research, 59(5), pp. 1534-1556, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2020.1841315.
- Leung, K. H., Luk, C. C., Choy, K. L., Lam, H. Y., & Lee, C. K.M. (2019). A B2B flexible pricing decision support system for managing the request for quotation process under e-commerce business environment, International Journal of Production Research, 57(20), pp. 6528-6551.
- Wu, H., Pang, Grantham K.H., Choy, K.L., & Lam, H.Y. (2018), An optimization model for electric vehicle battery charging at a battery swapping station, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, 67(2), pp. 881-895.
- Wu, H., Pang, Grantham K.H., Choy, K.L., & Lam, H.Y. (2018), Dynamic resource allocation for parking lot electric vehicle recharging using heuristic fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm, Applied Soft Computing, 71, pp. 538-552.
- Lee, C.K.H., Choy, K.L., Ho, G.T.S. & Lam, C.H.Y. (2016), A slippery genetic algorithm-based process mining system for achieving better quality assurance in the garment industry, Expert Systems with Applications, 46, pp. 236-248.
- Wu, C.H., Ho, G.T.S., Lam, C.H.Y. & Ip, W.H. (2015), Franchising decision support system for formulating a center positioning strategy, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 115(5), pp. 853-882.
- Lam, H.Y., Choy, K.L., Ho, G.T.S., Cheng, Stephen W.Y. & Lee, C.K.M. (2015), A Knowledge-based Logistics Operations Planning System for mitigating risk in warehouse order fulfilment, International Journal of Production Economics, 170 Part C, pp. 763-779.
- Lam, C.H.Y., Choy, K.L., Ho G.T.S. & Lee, C.K.M. (2014), An order picking operations system for managing the batching activities in a warehouse, International Journal of Systems Science, 45(6), pp. 1283-1295.
- Lam, H.Y., Choy, K.L., Ho, G.T.S., Kwong, C.K. & Lee, C.K.M. (2013), A Real-Time Risk Control and Monitoring System for Incident Handling in Wine Storage, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(9), pp. 3665-3678.
- Lam, C.H.Y., Choy, K.L., Ho, G.T.S. & Chung, S.H. (2012), A hybrid case-GA-based decision support model for warehouse operation in fulfilling cross-border orders, Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (8), pp. 7015-7028.
- Lam, C.H.Y., Choy, K.L. & Chung, S.H. (2011), A decision support system to facilitate warehouse order fulfillment in cross-border supply chain, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 22(8), pp. 972-983.
- Wu C.H., Lam Cathy H.Y., Xhafa Fatos, Tang Valerie and Ip W.H. (2022), “IoT for Elderly, Aging and eHealth: Quality of Life and Independent Living for the Elderly”, Springer: Cham, ISBN: 978-303-093386-9
Projects and Grants
- Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, Faculty Development Scheme, “Riding to Success in Cold Chain Digitalization: A Digital Twin based Closed-Loop Logistics Decision Model”, Project No.: UGC/FDS14/E04/21, HK$ 769,519, Principal Investigator
- Education Bureau – Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS), “Interactive artificial intelligence assisted chatbot for self-improving oral English proficiency”, Project No.: 12/QESS/2020, HK$1,252,458, Deputy Project Coordinator
- Education Bureau – Enhancement and Start-up Grant Scheme, “Teaching Smart Decision Analytics for Supply Chain and Information Management Programme Enhancement”, January 2023 – December 2026, HK$17,074,115, Team Member
- UGC Research Matching Grant, “Estimating Blockchain IoT Project Completion Times – Simulation and Analytic Approach”, August 2019-December 2022, HK$933,333, Co-Principal Investigator
- UGC Research Matching Grant, “Design of a Blockchain-based Intelligent Model for Enhancing Supply Chain Reliability”, March 2020-November 2023, HK$594,740, Principle Investigator
- UGC Research Matching Grant, “Research and Development of Contactless Parking System for Hourly and Monthly Parking”, January 2021-September 2021, HK$215,500, Co- Investigator
- UGC Research Matching Grant, “Applying Innovation Resistance Theory to Understanding the Adoption of Delivery Apps in the Wine Industry”, July 2021-September 2023, HK$2,925,000. Co-Principal Investigator
- UGC Research Matching Grant, “Design of an AI-based Intelligent Model for Enhancing Business Performance”, July 2021-June 2023, HK$1,545,719, Co- Investigator
- UGC Research Matching Grant, “Blockchain-based Insurance and Financial Products Recommendation: Affordances and Actualisations”, UGC Research Matching Grant, September 2021-August 2023, HK$ 4,236,970, Co-Investigator
- UGC Research Matching Grant, “Digital Transformation in Warehouse Management using MES, RPA and AI, September 2022-August 2025,, HK$2,450,000, Co-Investigator
- ITF Partnership Research Programme, “Smart Robotic Workforce: A Digital Twin-based Solution for Process Re-Engineering in Small and Medium Enterprises”, Project Code: PRP/034/20FX, March 2021 – February 2023; HK$1,754,912, Team Member
Scholarly Services
- Associate Editor of Expert Systems with Applications
- Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Engineering Business Management
Professional Qualifications and Service
- Council Associate, Hong Kong Logistics Association
- Professional Member, Hong Kong Logistics Association (PMHKLA)