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Dr WONG Yiu Man
EngD (Warwick)
MSc(Eng) (HKU)
BSc(Eng) (HKU)
Email: ymwong@hsu.edu.hk
Part-time Lecturer (SCM)
Dr. WONG Yiu Man graduated from the HKU 1977, and then continued to upgrade himself until reaching a doctoral level at the University of Warwick in 2001. He has been in the industrial sectors for 40 years, mainly in the manufacturing and logistics perspectives. His recent career is clustered around the logistics and supply chain management in the China and Hong Kong scenario. He had been the Service & Supply Manager at the Sonca Industries Ltd., the Service Operations Director at the DHL Express, the Deputy Managing Director at the Jardine Securicor (now renamed as GS4), GM and Group Supply Chain Director at the Alcan Packaging, and the GM & Group Technical Director at the Hong Kong Logistics Technology and Systems Limited.
For the past several years, Dr. Wong has taught in the local universities as part time lecturer in supply chain related courses, such as MSc level of Global Operations and Logistics at the HKU, BBA level of Shipping and Transport Logistics at HSMC, and Green Logistics at HK PolyU.
His teaching interest includes Green Logistics, sustainability in Supply Chains, Global Supply Chain Management; contemporary development of logistics and transportation business, HK and China development (both macroscopic and microscopic issues in logistics and supply chain management), Logistics technology applications, automation, e-commerce facilities, Air cargo terminal and Shipping port operations, etc.
- Conference Papers
- Wong, Y. M. (2018). “Logistics and Supply Chain Management of Luxury Products e-Commerce in China,” Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2018.