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About Us

Mr CHAN Kin Wing, Kenneth
MBA (University of New South Wales)
BSc (University of New South Wales)
Email: chankw@hsu.edu.hk
Tel: (852) 3963 5210
Senior Lecturer (SCM)
Mr Kenneth Chan received his MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM), University of New South Wales. Mr Chan has more than ten years of working in Enterprise Resources Planning System Projects in the Asia Pacific Region and territory education in Hong Kong. Before the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Kenneth taught at serval local institutes dedicated to teaching software engineering, data science and financial technology. In recent years, Mr Chan collaborated with the industry, such as Data Science and Information practitioners and graduates, and has developed several successful projects in Spatial Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Image Recognition and Deep Learning. His research is in the areas of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.