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Prof CHENG Tai Chiu, Edwin
PhD, ScD (Cambridge)
MSc (Birmingham)
Honorary Professor (SCM)
Ir Prof. T.C. Edwin Cheng is Dean of the Faculty of Business, Fung Yiu King – Wing Hang Bank Professor in Business Administration, and Chair Professor of Management of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees from The University of Hong Kong, University of Birmingham, and University of Cambridge respectively. Prof. Cheng is an expert in operations research and operations management, and had taught in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Singapore. He has published over 800 papers in such leading journals as California Management Review, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Operations Management, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research, Organization Science, and Production and Operations Management. Prof. Cheng was rated as the most prominent author in Operations Management research in Asia (in terms of Bonacich power centrality) over the period 2001–2015 by the International Journal of Production Economics, and was named one of the “most cited scientists” in All Fields, in Computer Science, in Economics and Business, and in Engineering over the period 2010–2020 (top 1% in terms of citation count) by the ISI Web of Science in 2021. A registered professional engineer and a seasoned management consultant, Prof. Cheng regularly advises businesses and the industry on management issues, and provides management and executive development training to public and private organisations.