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Prof LEE Tien Sheng
PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia)
MBA (University of Missouri-Columbia)
MSc (Chiao-Tung University)
BSc (Chiao-Tung University)
Professor Emeritus (SCM)
Professor Tien Sheng (TS) Lee, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Supply Chain Management and Information Management at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, received his PhD in Business Administration and MBA from the University of Missouri-Columbia in the US. He earned his MS in Management Science and BS in Electronic Engineering from National Chiao-Tung University in Taiwan.
Before joining The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong in January 2009, Professor Lee has been on the Faculty of Business Administration at the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 1992 and was the Faculty Dean from 2002 to 2008. Before he came to Hong Kong in 1992, he taught at the University of Utah for six years and at Bowling Green State University in Ohio for three years. Prior to his academic career, he worked as the Load Forecasting Manager for the State of Missouri’s Public Service Commission and as the Product Process Engineer for Texas Instruments (Taiwan).
Professor Lee’s research interests include production and inventory management, material requirements planning, master production scheduling, and quality management. He has published in academic journals such as Management Science, Decision Sciences, Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Production Research, International of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Omega, etc. His works also appear in selected academic journals in Taiwan and China Mainland.
Professor Lee has been actively engaging in academic and professional services throughout his academic career. He is currently the Associate Editor of Decision Sciences as well as the member of the editorial board for a number of academic journals. In the late 1990s, he was elected as the President of the Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute and the Vice-President of Decision Sciences Institute. Since 1989, he has been involved in academic exchanges with scholars in Taiwan and China Mainland. He has served as Visiting/Consultant Professor for Nankai University, Tianjin University, Nanjing University, Southeast University (Nanjing), Southwest Jiaotung University (Chengdu), Northeastern University (Shengyang), as well as Feng Jia University in Taiwan.
- Selected Publications
Selected Publications
- Zhou, Q.; Lee, Grace Meina and Lee, T.S. (2013) “Demand Variability, Forecasting Accuracy and Supply information Sharing” International Journal of Management Theory and Practice vol.14 no. 1, pp.5-24
- Rungtusanatham M.; Ng C.H.; Zhao Xiande and Lee, T.S. (2008) “Pooling Data across Transparently Different Groups of Key Informations: Measurement Equivalence and Survey Research” Decision Sciences vol.39 no.1, pp.115-146. 2008 02.
- Leung Wai Kin and Lee, T.S. (2006) “Institutional Investors and the Monday Effect in Tourism Stocks” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.25, pp.348-372.
- Zhao, Xiande; Sum, Chee-Chuong; Qi, Yi-nan; Zhang, Hui-ying and Lee, T.S. (2006) “A taxonomy of manufacturing strategies in China”, Journal of Operations Management, 24, 621-636.
- Lai, Fujun; Zhao, Xiande; Lee, T.S. (2006) “Selecting forecasting model parameters in Material Requirement Planning systems”, International Journal Internet and Enterprise Managment, Vol.4, No.4, pp.331-354.
- Zhao Xiande; Andy C. L. Yeung and Lee, T.S. (2004) “Quality Management and Organizational Context in Selected Service Industries of China”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.22, pp.575-587.
- Xie J.; Lee, T.S. and Zhao Xiande (2004) “Impact of Forecasting Error on the Performance of Capacitated Multi-Item Production Systems”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol.46, No.2, pp.205-266.
- Hua Guang-ying; Zhang Hui-ying; Zhao Xiande and Lee, T.S. (2004) “Application of Association Rule Mining in Questionnaire Data about Enterprises’ Operation Strategies, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol.7, No.2.
- 華廣穎; 張慧穎; 趙先德;李天生 (2004)《關聯規則挖掘在企業運作策略調查問卷中的應用》<工業工程>, 孫友松, 鄭壯利。第7卷, 第2期, 頁47-51。中國廣州:工業工程編輯部.
- J. Xie; Xiande Zhao and Lee, T.S. (2003) “Freezing the Master Production Schedule under Single Resource Contstraint and Demand Uncertainty”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.83, pp.65-84.
- Andy C. L. Yeung; L. Y. Chan; Lee, T.S. (2003) “An Empirical Taxonomy for Quality Management Systems: A Study of Hong Kong Electronics Industry”,Journal of Operations Management, Vol.21, pp.45-62.
- Andy C. L. Yeung; Lee, T.S.and L. Y. Chan (2003) “Senior Management Perspectives and ISO 9000 Effectiveness: An Empirical Research”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.41, No.3, pp.545-569.
- 張慧穎; 朱德志; 趙先德; 李天生; 徐學軍 (2003) 《對中國製造業運作策略的聚類分析及實證研究》南開管理評論, 第4期, 頁49-53.
- Eldon Y. Li; Houn-Gee Chen and Lee, T.S. (2003) “A Longitudinal Study of Software Process Management in Taiwan’s Top Companies”, Total Quality Management, Vol.14, No.5, pp.571-590.
- 張慧穎; 華廣穎; 趙先德; 李天生 (2003) 《ANFIS模型在經營策略和績效關係研究中的應用》武漢理工大學學報-信息與管理工程版, 第25卷, 頁97-105 (專輯).
- Eldon Y. Li; Houn-Gee Chen; and Lee, T.S. (2002) “Software Process Management of Top Companies in Taiwan: a comparative study”, Total Quality Management, Vol.13, No.5, pp.701-713.
- 張慧穎; 朱德志; 趙志德; 戚依南; 李天生 (2002) 《環境不確定性與企業運作策略相互關係的實證分析》中國管理科學,第10卷,頁463-466 (專輯).
- Jinxing Xie; Lee, T.S. and Xiande Zhao (2001) “A Feasibility Procedure for Unidirectional Forward-Pass Heuristics for Multi-Item Single Levle Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problems” Or Transactions Vol.5, No.1, pp.39-46. (Official journal of China Operations Reseach Association).
- Eldon Li; Xiande Zhao and Lee, T.S. (2001) “Quality Managment Initatives in Banking Industry: A Meta Analysis of Hong Kong and United Kingdom”, International Journal of Quality and REliability Management, Vol.18, No.6, pp.570-583.
- C. C. Lee; Lee, T.S. and C. Chang (2001) “Quality/Productivity Practices and Company Performance in China” International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol.18, No.6, pp.604-624.
- Eldon Li; X. Zhao and Lee, T.S. (2001) “Quality Management Initiatives in Hong Kong’s Banking Industry: A Longitudinal Study”, Total Quality Management, Vol.12, No.4, pp.451-467.
- Xiande Zhao; F. Lai and Lee, T.S. (2001) “Evaluation of safety stock methods in multilevel material requirements planning (MRP) systems”, Production Planning and Control, Vol.12, No.8, pp.794-803.