



  • 課程資訊




    資歷名冊登記號碼.: 25/000338/L5
    登記有效期: 01/09/2025 To 31/08/2029
    資歷架構級別: 5

  • 課程結構



    • MGT1002 - 管理學原理

    • ECO1001 - 商業經濟學(一)

    • ECO1002 - 商業經濟學(二)


    AMS1303 - 概率論及數理統計

    CHN1000 - 大一國文

    CHN2001 - 應用普通話

    ENG1001 - 大學英語(一)(2021/22學年之前入學學生需修讀ENG1010)

    ENG1002 - 大學英語(二)(2021/22學年之前入學學生需修讀ENG1010)

    GEN1000 - 通識概論


    MSIM1201 - 程式編寫方法論

    MSIM1301 - 商業分析導論


    • ACY2001 - 財務會計

    • ACY2021 - 香港商業法

    • BUS2001 - 市場學原理

    • SCM2001 - 現代企業運營管理


    • 2 科通識教育選修

    • CHN1002 - 中國文學欣賞

    • ENG2001 - 學術英語 (2021/22學年之前入學之學生需修讀ENG2010)

    自由選修 1 科自由選修

    MSIM2201 - 信息系統分析與設計

    MSIM3101 - 管理科學

    AMS2640 - 電腦統計應用

    商學教育 FIN2001 - 財務管理

    ENG3002 - 專業英語傳意 (2021/22學年之前入學學生需修讀 ENG2020)

    2 科通識教育選修

    自由選修 1 科自由選修

    MSIM3102 - 質量管理與流程分析

    MSIM3103 - 企業預測

    MSIM3104 - 項目管理

    MSIM3201 - 數據庫設計及管理

    MSIM3202 - 資訊科技基礎與維護

    MSIM3203 - 企業應用程序編程與執行

    商學教育 MGT4001 - 企業政策和策略
    共同核心課程 2 科通識教育選修
    自由選修 1 科自由選修

    MSIM4101 - 決策分析

    MSIM4301 - 企業商業應用

    MSIM4311 - 商業智能與數據開發

    MSIM4313 - 現代金融科技

    2 科管理科學與資訊管理核心選修

    主修選修科目 (適用於 2019/20 學年或以後入學的學生)

    • MSIM3204-數碼商業管理 (PR: MGT1002)

    • MSIM3211- 網站設計與開發 (PR: MSIM1201)

    • MSIM3311- 工作實習 (PR: MSIM3101 & MSIM3203)

    • MSIM4112- 系統模擬 (PR: MSIM1201 & AMS1303)

    • MSIM4213- 資訊審計與監控 (PR: MSIM3202)

    • MSIM4312- 管理科學與資訊管理研究論文 (PR: MSIM3103, MSIM3203 & MSIM3104)

    • SCM3105- 業務流程再造與變革管理 (PR: BUS1002)

    • SCM4203- 供應鏈資訊科技應用 (PR: SCM1006 / SCM2001 / SCM3006)

    • FIN3003- 管理學原理 (PR: FIN2001)

    通識教育選修單元列表: https://ccc.hsu.edu.hk/


  • 畢業要求


    For Year-1 intake from AY2025/26 onwards & For Year-3 intake from AY2027/28 onwards

    In order to be eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Analytics and Information Management, student must have:

    1. completed and obtained a Grade D or above in 129 credits according to the prescribed curriculum structure within the specified normative/maximum period of study; and
    2. obtained an overall GPA of 2.0 or above across all modules in which the students were assessed;
    3. attained a score of 6.0 or above in the IELTS (Academic) Test before their final year of study;
    4. attained the level of “Third Class, Grade B” (三級乙等) or above in the Putonghua Proficiency Test (普通話水平測試) before their final year of study;
    5. completed the requirements for iGPS Unit and College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora [For details, please visit the website of Student Affairs Office: https://sao.hsu.edu.hk/]


    For Year-1 intake from AY2022/23 to 2024/25 & For Year-3 intake from AY2024/25 to 2026/27

    In order to be eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours), student must have:

    1. completed and obtained a Grade D or above in 129 credits according to the prescribed curriculum structure within the specified normative/maximum period of study; and
    2. obtained an overall GPA of 2.0 or above across all modules in which the students were assessed;
    3. attained a score of 6.0 or above in the IELTS (Academic) Test before their final year of study;
    4. attained the level of “Third Class, Grade B” (三級乙等) or above in the Putonghua Proficiency Test (普通話水平測試) before their final year of study;
    5. completed the requirements for iGPS Unit and College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora [For details, please visit the website of Student Affairs Office: https://sao.hsu.edu.hk/]


    For Year-1 intake from AY2019/20 to AY2021/22 & For Year-3 intake from AY2019/20 to AY2023/24

    In order to be eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours), student must have:

    1. completed and been assessed on at least 129 credits (43 modules);
    2. obtained an overall GPA of 2.0 or above across all modules in which they were assessed;
    3. obtained a Grade of D or better on at least 120 credits, and passed at least 15 BMSIM major core modules and passed all GE, CCC-CHI, CCC-ENG, CCC-QM and CCC-IT modules;
    4. attained a score of 6.0 or above in the IELTS (Academic) Test before their final year of study;
    5. attained the level of “Third Class, Grade B” (三級乙等) or above in the Putonghua Proficiency Test (普通話水平測試) before their final year of study;
    6. fulfilled the Information Technology requirements; and [For details, please visit the website of IT Learning Center: https://itlc.hsu.edu.hk/]
    7. completed the requirements for
      1. Community Service (CS) / Extra-curricular Activities (ECA) / Physical Activities (PA) Hour
      1. iGPS Unit and College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora [For details, please visit the website of Student Affairs Office: https://sao.hsu.edu.hk/]