概述 教職員 聯絡我們

Dr NG Chi Hung, Stephen (吳志雄博士)

Dr NG Chi Hung, Stephen (吳志雄博士)
MBA (PolyU)
MSc (Warwick University)
BSc (National Taiwan University)

Head and Associate Professor (SCM)

Tel : (852) 3963 5462
Email : stephenng@hsu.edu.hk
Dr Ng has over fifteen years of experience in delivering public and in-company training programs related to management development, 5-S, ISO 9000 and TQM and business process reengineering. He used to provide consultation services in these areas to reputable companies in different business sectors including Philips, Johnson Electric, JLW, TAL, Jockey Club, Ricoh, Nethersole Hospital, Electrical and Mechanical Service Department, SARG, Social Welfare Department, SARG. In addition to his industrial experience, Dr Ng has been teaching BBA and MSc courses in operations management/process improvement and innovation, and TQM/BPR respectively for over five years. He has publication in Decision Sciences. He also got the case writing award in the 20th Annual POMS Conference 2009. Dr Ng's current research interest is to investigate quality management, service management, supply-chain quality and risk management from a cross-disciplinary perspective.

Academic Publications 回到頂部

  • J. Huang., Y. Wang, S. C. H. Ng, F. Tsung (2024) "Overcoming the semantic gap in the customer-to-manufacturer (C2M) platform: A soft prompts-based approach with pretrained language models." International Journal of Production Economics 272, 109248.
  • S. C. H. Ng, C. Y. W. Wong, W. C. Ho, L. H. Lam, C. M. Kwok, Y. L. Y. Li (2023) "Ka Shui: digital Transformation" (Case: W25885 & Teaching Note: W25886) Ivey Publishing.
  • S. C. H. Ng, G. T. S. Ho and C. H. Wu (2023), "Blockchain-IIoT-big data aided process control and quality analytics", International Journal of Production Economics 261, 108871.
  • E. Wu, D. C. K. Ho, S. C. H. Ng and L. C. Leung (2023), "Uniqueness, complexities, and research issues of logistics and trade facilitation in Greater Bay Area of China", Journal of Shipping and Trade 8 (21), 1-22.
  • C. H. Wu, S. C. H. Ng, K. C. M. Kwok and K. L. Yeung (2023), "Applying Industrial Internet of Things Analytics to Manufacturing", Machines 11(4), 448.
  • S. C. H. Ng (2023), "The Role of Perceived Organizational Supports and Management Nationality amid Physical Workplace's Planned Quality Change" Asia Pacific Management Review 28 (2), 132-145.
  • S. C. H. Ng, V. P. L. Lau, Y. Q. He (2021), “Impacts of Planned Quality Change in Physical Workplace on Employees’ Behavior: A Quasi-experiment” Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 33 (6), 700-725. DOI: 10.1080/14783363.2021.1890015.
  • D. Y. Mo, S. C. H. Ng, D. Tai (2019), “Revamping NetApp’s Service Parts Operations by Process Optimization” International Journal of Applied Analytics 49 (6), 407-421.
  • W. W. Zhu, S. C. H. Ng, Z. Q. Wang, X, Zhao (2017), "The Role of Outsourcing Management Process in Improving the Effectiveness of Logistics Outsourcing" International Journal of Production Economics 188, 29-40.
  • Y. He, H. Sun, W. Ni, S. C. H., Ng (2017), "Re-examining the Effects of Supplier Integration on Operations Performance: A Relational View" International Journal of Operations and Production Management 37 (12), 1702-1721.
  • S. C. H. Ng; J.M. Rungtusanatham; X. Zhao; A. Ivanova (2015), “TQM and environmental uncertainty levels_profiles, fit and firm performance”. International Journal of Production Research, 53(14), 4266-4286.
  • S. C. H. Ng; J.M. Rungtusanatham; X. Zhao; T.S. Lee (2015), “Examining process management via the lens of exploitation and exploration: reconceptualization and scale development”. International Journal of Production Economics,163, 1-15.
  • S. C. H. Ng; Xiande Zhao; Xiucheng Fan; Johnny M. Rungtusanatham (2014), “TQM and brand-building by Chinese original brand manufacturers: impact on business performance”. International Journal of Production Research, 52(3), 825-846.  
  • Rungtusanatham, J. M., S. H. Ng, Xiande Zhao, & T.S. Lee (2008),”Pooling Data Across Transparently Different Groups of Key Informants: Measurement Equivalence and Survey Research,” Decision Sciences, Vol. 39,No.1,p115-145.
  • S. C. H. Ng, Barbara Flynn, Xiande Zhao, “Towards an integrated framework for the adoption of process management practices.” Paper presented in the APDSI Conference 2011, Taipei.
  • S. C. H. Ng, T. S. Lee, “Re-conceptualizing Process Management – from the perspective of organizational change and dynamic capability.” Paper presented in the ACME Conference 2011, Tainan.
  • S. C. H. Ng, Xiande Zhao, Xiucheng. Fan, “The joint impact of TQM and Brand-building effort on Chinese Orginal Manufacturers.” Paper presented in the ICOSCM, 2010.
  • S. C. H. Ng, Xiande Zhao, “Does Process Management always lead to superior performance – towards an integrated perspective”. Paper presented in the Decision Science Institute Annual Conference 2008, Baltimore, Maryland, US.
  • S. C. H. Ng, Xiande Zhao, Zhang Bochao, “Is TQM a necessary and sufficient condition for firms with brand”. Paper presented in the International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • S. C. H. Ng, Xiande Zhao, J. M. Rungtusanatham & T.S. Lee, “Conceptualization and Operationalization of Process Management from Multiple Theoretical Lens”. Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute 2007, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • S. C. H. Ng, Xiande Zhao, & J. M. Rungtusanatham  (2006), “Coalignment between Environment and Total Quality Management”. Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute 2006, Hong Kong.
  • S. C. H. Ng, Xiande Zhao, &, T. S. Lee (2005), “Testing cross-group measurement invariance of quality management model”. Paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute 2005, Taiwan.
  • S. C. H. Ng, Xiande Zhao, & T. S. Lee (2004), “A critical evaluation of the success and success factors of TQM”. Paper presented in the Third International Conference on Information and Management Sciences 2004, Dunhuang, China.

Articles 回到頂部

  • 〈供應鏈管理——非一般管理〉《星島日報》(2011年6月8日)。